Finest Ways to Save Energy in Houston

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Saving energy has two advantages. You use less energy and that is reflected in your energy bill. And by reducing your energy consumption, you also help the environment. So this a win-win situation. We are happy to give you tips on how to save energy effectively. With the best Houston Electricity Plans this is important.

Place weather strips

With improperly insulated windows and doors, heat can easily escape from your home. By placing draft strips along windows and doors and even in front of your letterbox, the heat stays in the house and you don’t have to set the heating as high.

Insulate the attic, basement, crawl space and basement

Houston Electricity Plans

Placing draft strips is step 1, but if you are blessed with an attic, basement or basement in your home, it is important to insulate these spaces well. This even applies to the hatch to the crawl space under the house. Insulation prevents heat loss.

Shorter shower

The easiest way to save hot water is by taking a shorter shower. Of course a long shower is wonderful, but it really saves on the energy bill. A water-saving shower head also helps save on hot water.

Use energy efficient lighting

Practically no light bulbs are sold anymore. If you still have these at home, it is better to replace the incandescent lamps with energy-saving halogen and LED lamps. These provide just as much light if not more and save a lot on energy bills, up to $ 60.

Turn off the light

It’s easy when the light is on all over the house, but is it really necessary? Turn off the lights in rooms where you are not, such as in the bedroom, the bathroom or on the landing. That makes a huge difference in the energy bill.

Put the computer into sleep mode

You walk away to prepare the food or to go to the toilet. Then immediately put the computer into sleep or hibernation mode. In sleep mode, the computer consumes much less energy. If you work with a laptop, you can also choose to work regularly on the battery, instead of on AC power.

Turn off devices and not on standby

Did you know that devices also consume energy in standby? Therefore, turn off the television and unplug chargers from the mains. It also helps to use power strips with on or off switch. This way you can really switch off the plugged-in devices and chargers at once. By really turning off devices and removing chargers, you can save up to $ 70 a year.

Hang the laundry

Dryers are large consumers of electricity. That is why it is recommended to hang the laundry outside or in the stairwell. It costs nothing, is better for the environment and the house also smells wonderfully of clean laundry.

Take solar panels

You can also save energy by generating energy yourself with the help of solar panels. This is cheaper than taking energy, because what you generate, you also use directly at home. And if you have generated too much energy, you will deliver this back to the energy supplier.

Keep track of your usage

Choose a smart meter or an app on your mobile phone that gives you immediate insight into your energy consumption. This way you immediately see what you save and which devices use a lot of energy. This way you can actively save on the energy bill.