Your Chance to have a Look at International Cinema

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The study of cinema art of the first half of the last century was carried out by many Western European scholars, and, first of all, Italian ones. The most complete study of the cinema in Italy of the XX century. Conducted by a professor of the University of Padua, the greatest art critic and film historian J.P. Brunett, who has dozens of monographs on this topic. In primewire you can have a perfect choice now.

But, despite a significant amount of research, these works lack a holistic picture of the development of the early stage of Italian cinema, clearly structured by the periods of its development, and taking into account intercultural interactions.

The object of study is Italian cinema 1895-1945. as a phenomenon of national culture. The subject of the research is the specifics of the development of Italian cinema in 1895-1945. in its relationship with socio-cultural events in the country, theater and literature.


The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the formation and transformation of Italian cinema from the time of its inception to the emergence of neorealism, the relationship with sociocultural transformations in a united Italy, with the development of national theater and literature, as well as its impact on national and world culture.

Research Objectives:

  • To analyze the most important sociocultural events in Italy during the formation of statehood and to identify the prerequisites for the emergence and rapid development of national cinema.
  • To identify and analyze the main features of the development of “Italian theater and literature of the” Beautiful era “(1871 – 1914), forms and methods of their interaction with the cinema.
  • To identify the features of the origin and development of Italian cinema in 1895-1921 and its main stages, to analyze the conditions of appearance, activities, causes of world success and the subsequent collapse of the first major film companies and creative associations, to consider the role of Italian cinema in the dialogue of cultures of a given period.
  • To analyze the most important sociocultural events in Italy 1922-1945 and their influence on the development of national culture and cinema.
  • To study the most important features of the development of Italian theater and literature of the fascist period, the activities of the largest playwrights and stars of theatrical art, the conditions for their cooperation with the Mussolini government, as well as the relationship between theater, literature and cinema.
  • To explore the cinema of the period of fascism, to identify its essential features, to analyze the conditions and nature of the activities of major film companies and creative associations.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study

The research methodology is comprehensive and is determined by the specifics of the subject of research, its purpose and objectives, as well as an interdisciplinary approach to the problem being studied. However, the leading ones are the methodological principles of modern cultural studies its theory and history, in particular, the principle of historicism, a systems approach and comparative studies.

The conceptual basis for the study of cinema of Italy in the first half of the XX century composed the work of domestic and foreign culturologists and specialists in the field of philosophy of culture and philosophy of art: M.M. Bakhtin, B. Balash, J.P. Brunetta, R. Bart, G.V. Grinenko, Ari-Starko Guido, AA Pelipenko, M.M. Shibaeva. M.Ya. Saraf, A.Ya. Flier, Yu.M. Lotman, B.A. Assumption, W. Eco.