Tackling Blocked Drains in Kent: What You Need to Know

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When it comes to blocked drains margate , dealing with the problem can be a stressful and daunting task. It is important to know the facts and act quickly for effective results. In this article, we will discuss the causes of and solutions for blocked drains in Kent, as well as useful tips for preventative measures.

blocked drains margate

Common Causes of Blocked Drains in Kent

Unfortunately, having problems with blocked drains in Kent isn’t all that uncommon and there are a few age-old culprits that may be to blame. Poorly installed pipes, corrosion or damage caused by roots of plants and trees encroaching on your pipes are usually the main reasons for backed up drainage. Other causes include a build-up of soap scum, grease, hair and food particles blocking the holes in the drain.

How Do I Know if I Have a Blocked Drain?

In most cases, blocked drains in Kent will present clear signs and symptoms. Many times, a foul odour from the drains will occur when you turn on the faucets or flush the toilets. You might also experience slow draining water or pooling water around the affected area. Depending on the severity of the blockage, overflowing may also occur, resulting in wastewater spilling onto your floor.

How Can I Unblock My Drains?

In some cases, blocked drains in Kent can be cleared simply by using a plunger or an augur. However, this isn’t always the case and more stubborn blockages may require the help of a professional plumber. The plumber will use sophisticated tools such as hydro jetting equipment to effectively clear out any built-up debris along the pipe walls, significantly improving the efficiency of your drainage system.

Preventative Tips For Blocked Drains in Kent

Carrying out preventative measures is a great way to reduce the risk of blocked drains in Kent and ensure your drains stay functioning properly. One simple yet effective tip is to replace older pipes with more durable options such as PVC or polyvinyl chloride. It’s also important to regularly clean and maintain your gutters and drains to keep them free of debris. Additionally, try to avoid flushing kitchen waste, food particles and other large items into your sinks and toilets as these often create major blockages.

Professional Solutions for Blocked Drains in Kent

If you’re having recurring issues with blocked drains in Kent, it’s time to call in a professional. Experienced plumbers have the knowledge and expertise needed to identify and resolve the root cause of your drainage problem and create lasting solutions. They can also provide maintenance services to lessen the risk of future clogs occurring.

Blocked drains in Kent are never an ideal situation. We hope this article has given you an insight into some of the most common causes and potential solutions to this frustrating issue. By following the preventative measure tips above, you can significantly reduce the risk of blocked drains in the future.